About us

Oxted & Limpsfield Residents Group (OLRG) was formally constituted as a residents' association in 2008. It currently has more than 2,000 members - the larger we are, the stronger our voice. Please do join and encourage others to join.


Chairman: Catherine Sayer
Secretary: Julie Cole
Treasurer: Jon Lenihan

OLRG has 8 Tandridge District Councillors for the Oxted and Limpsfield area:

  • OLRG's Councillors for Limpsfield are Claire Blackwell and Ian Booth.

To contact Claire, email claireblackwell15@yahoo.co.uk or call 07711 561890
To contact Ian, email boothian1@gmail.com or call 07771 973163

  • OLRG's Councillors for Oxted North and Tandridge are Chris Bassett, Peter Damesick and Catherine Sayer.

To contact Chris, email cjdbassett@me.com or call 07764 636539
To contact Peter, email pdamesick@gmail.com or call 07825 640947
To contact Catherine, email catherinesayer1@gmail.com or call 07967 148557

  • OLRG's Councillors for Oxted South are Bryan Black, Chris Langton and Deb Shiner.

To contact Bryan, email bryanbblack33@gmail.com or call 07429 474383
To contact Chris, email chrislangton50@yahoo.com or call 07780 901811
To contact Deb, email debshiner58@hotmail.com or call 07592 610449

OLRG also has 12 Oxted Parish Councillors: Peter Damesick, Alan Feesey, Peter Giles, John Hope, Reg Hull, Jean Inker, Louise Kirk, Gerrard Quinn, Peter Quinn, Neil Rivers, Deb Shiner and Denize Wallace.

For general enquiries or to join us, email: oxted.residents@btinternet.com

The OLRG constitution can be read here: