Following the District Council elections on Thursday 5 May, no party has overall control of the Council. There is a minority administration led by the Independents and OLRG Alliance.
The political balance of the Council is 18 Independents and OLRG Alliance, 11 Liberal Democrats, 10 Conservative and 3 Independent Group councillors.
The Leader of the Council is Councillor Catherine Sayer and the Deputy Leader Councillor Chris Farr.
Leaders and Deputy Leaders of the groups
• The Leader of the Independents and OLRG Alliance is Councillor Catherine Sayer and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Chris Farr.
• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats is Councillor Chris Botten and the Deputy Leader is Councillor Jeffrey Gray.
• The Leader of the Conservatives is Councillor Robin Bloore and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Matthew Groves.
• The Leader of the Independent Group is Councillor Martin Allen and the Deputy Leader is Councillor Jeremy Pursehouse.
Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Council and committees
At the Annual Council on Thursday 26 May, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council were elected, along with the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of committees.
The Chairman is Councillor Jackie Wren and Vice-Chairman, Councillor Chris Botten.
The Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the committees are:
• Audit & Scrutiny: Chairman: Councillor Mick Gillman, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Martin Allen.
• Community Services: Chairman: Councillor Jackie Wren, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Charlotte Swann.
• Housing: Chairman: Councillor Jeremy Pursehouse, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Liz Lockwood.
• Licensing: Chairman: Councillor David Stamp, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Colin White.
• Planning: Chairman: Councillor Claire Blackwell, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Colin White.
• Planning Policy: Chairman: Councillor Catherine Sayer, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Chris Farr.
• Standards: Chairman: Councillor Nicholas White, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Jackie Wren.
• Strategy & Resources: Chairman: Councillor Chris Langton, Vice-Chairman: Councillor Mike Crane.