Date: Thu 12 Dec 2024

Chichele planning appeal dismissed - Council’s refusal upheld

The planning appeal by developers Cala Homes against Tandridge District Council’s refusal of planning permission for 116 dwellings on land at the back of Chichele Road in Oxted, has been dismissed by a government Planning Inspector.

The Inspector found that: “the appeal scheme would fail to protect a valued landscape, cause significant harm to the landscape character of the area, and the setting of the AGLV (Area of Great Landscape Value) and Surrey Hills AONB ( Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) thereby undermining the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of this designated area.”

Oxted & Limpsfield Residents Group and Oxted Parish Council joined together to take part in the Inquiry to support the Council’s refusal.

Many thanks to everyone who helped with this appeal.