The Council's application for a multi-storey car park will go before the Planning Committee on Thursday, 5 April. Council officers are recommending that planning permission is granted.
March 2018
Council submits multi-storey car park planning application for Ellice Road
Tandridge District Council has now submitted a planning application to itself to build a multi-storey car park, with an additional two decks, on its Ellice Road site.
The Council says there will be 300 spaces in the new car park compared to the current 179 and that the extra capacity will accommodate an increase in Business Permit Holders partly to make up for those lost when the Johnsdale car park is redeveloped.
The Council has sold Johnsdale car park to property developers St William for £750,000. St William are now planning to develop it jointly with the gasholder site for around 110 flats.
The Council is applying to Surrey County Council to make Amy and Beatrice Roads one way.
Residents in roads near Ellice Road car park are very concerned about the size and bulk of the multi-storey. They had been hoping for one additional deck (rather than two) which TDC had originally proposed to the Local Enterprise Partnership, Coast to Capital, and for which the Council received some funding.
Please do send us your views.
The full planning application, number 2018/350, can be read on this link click here
Comments to Tandridge District Council about its application should be sent to the Council by 14 March.
They can be submitted by emailing or by using the comment form on the Council's website or by sending them to the Planning Department, 8 Station Rd East, Oxted RH8 0BT and should include the application number and your name and address.