The quarry operator Southern Gravel is appealing against the limit of 112 HGV movements a day - it wants a daily limit of 200 HGV movements. The company is also appealing against two other conditions in the planning permission approved by Surrey County Council on 17 October last year: one is the condition prohibiting HGVs leaving the quarry during school drop off and pick up times, the other involves monitoring the condition of Chalkpit Lane and verges and paying for any repairs needed because of the HGVs.
These conditions have never come into effect because Southern Gravel had six months to appeal the decision. The appeal means that there is still no daily limit on lorry numbers using the quarry.
The appeal will be held as a public inquiry - we do not yet have a date but believe it may be in late November or December.
OLRG is taking expert legal and planning advice for its representations.
We are pleased to say that Tandridge District Council is also submitting detailed representations.
If you would like to make representations, email your comments quoting the reference number: APP/ROMP/19/01 to
Or write to the case officer Stephen Allen at: Environment & Transport Team, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3A, Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN, quoting the reference number. Wherever possible you must submit three copies of your letter (unless sent electronically).
You may also want to sign this petition created by East Surrey MP Sam Gyimah: click here