Date: Tue 07 Apr 2020

Chalkpit Quarry appeal allowed, Surrey County Council lose the case

200 daily limit on HGV movements approved by Planning Inspector

We are hugely disappointed to report that the Planning Inspector who held a public inquiry into the Chalkpit quarry lorries has found in favour of the quarry operator, Southern Gravel.

Southern Gravel appealed against three conditions on the lorries agreed by Surrey County Council in October 2018. They were a daily limit of 112 HGV movements; the prohibition of HGVs leaving the quarry during school drop off and pick up times; the monitoring of the condition of Chalkpit Lane and verges and paying for any repairs needed because of the HGVs.

The Planning Inspector has deleted all three conditions and replaced condition 25 with this wording allowing a daily limit of 200 lorry movements:

New condition 25) There shall be no more than an average of 100 daily Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements (50 in and 50 out) to/ from the site Monday-Saturday over any 12 month rolling period with the maximum number of HGV movements in any one day not to exceed: 200 (100 in and 100 out) Monday to Friday and 100 (50 in and 50 out) Saturday...

The SCC condition was 25) There shall be no more than an average of 76 daily Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements (38 in and 38 out) to/from the site Monday-Saturday over any12 month rolling period with the maximum number of HGV movements in any one day not to exceed: 112 (56 in and 56 out) Monday to Friday and 72 (36 in and 36 out) Saturday...

The full appeal decision can be read below.

Richard Langham, barrister for Surrey County Council, led the unsuccessful defence of the County Council’s work.

Residents, Tandridge District Councillors Catherine Sayer and Jackie Wren, Surrey County Councillor Becky Rush, and the Woldingham Association all gave evidence to the Inquiry.


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Chalkpit Lorries